2024  2

July  1

One click deploy between multiple environments using GitHub Actions

July 22, 2024 · 3 min · 583 words · Alastair Crabtree

April  1

Migrating the blog from Ghost(Pro) to Hugo and Cloudflare

April 3, 2024 · 13 min · 2578 words · Alastair Crabtree

2019  2

July  1

Absolute cache expiry corrupts absolutely?

July 12, 2019 · 5 min · 874 words · Alastair Crabtree

March  1

LazyCache 2.0 released

March 22, 2019 · 2 min · 414 words · Alastair Crabtree

2018  2

February  2

Logging with output in Unit Tests in .Net Core 2.0

February 21, 2018 · 2 min · 325 words · Alastair Crabtree

Keeping Visual Studio 2017 build tools up to date

February 2, 2018 · 2 min · 275 words · Alastair Crabtree

2017  6

December  1

Stubbing your way to automated end to end testing in an API first world

December 4, 2017 · 7 min · 1476 words · Alastair Crabtree

September  1

How to find latest version of MsBuild in powershell

September 19, 2017 · 2 min · 228 words · Alastair Crabtree

July  1

Microsoft.WebApplication.targets was not found (again)

July 28, 2017 · 3 min · 474 words · Alastair Crabtree

May  1

Troubleshooting an Umbraco website

May 9, 2017 · 1 min · 184 words · Alastair Crabtree

April  2

Deploy asp.net websites with an SSL certificate using Octopus Deploy

April 7, 2017 · 2 min · 367 words · Alastair Crabtree

Cannot open VS 2015 Web project in VS 2017

April 5, 2017 · 2 min · 295 words · Alastair Crabtree

2016  22

December  3

Implementing the retry pattern in c sharp using Polly

December 29, 2016 · 3 min · 611 words · Alastair Crabtree

Implementing the retry pattern for async tasks in c#

December 2, 2016 · 3 min · 470 words · Alastair Crabtree

Implementing a simple retry pattern in c#

December 1, 2016 · 3 min · 629 words · Alastair Crabtree

November  1

Converting an SVN repository to Git on windows

November 17, 2016 · 4 min · 779 words · Alastair Crabtree

September  2

Cache the result of an async method using LazyCache

September 30, 2016 · 3 min · 626 words · Alastair Crabtree

I have to rebase and squash before the pull request will be accepted?!

September 8, 2016 · 2 min · 380 words · Alastair Crabtree

August  2

How to run a dotnet windows service as a console app

August 29, 2016 · 3 min · 618 words · Alastair Crabtree

Detecting plurals in dot.net / C# the way a human might

August 16, 2016 · 2 min · 361 words · Alastair Crabtree

July  1

Fixing intermittant ‘EPERM: operation not permitted’ on npm install

July 4, 2016 · 2 min · 410 words · Alastair Crabtree

June  1

An agile project retrospective - tips for your (and my) next project

June 7, 2016 · 5 min · 1015 words · Alastair Crabtree

May  4

Choose the right return type for WebApi controllers

May 30, 2016 · 4 min · 661 words · Alastair Crabtree

LazyCache: The easy way to add caching to your .net app & make it fast

May 23, 2016 · 7 min · 1282 words · Alastair Crabtree

Smoke test windows authenticated sites with Octopus Deploy

May 5, 2016 · 4 min · 643 words · Alastair Crabtree

400 (Bad Request) when pushing a package to Octopus Deploy using nuget push

May 4, 2016 · 2 min · 242 words · Alastair Crabtree

March  4

How to build a Visual Studio 2013 or 2015 solution on a build server using NAnt

March 22, 2016 · 2 min · 232 words · Alastair Crabtree

Sites worth reading for .net developers | Mar 2016

March 16, 2016 · 2 min · 298 words · Alastair Crabtree

What should I look for when doing a code review?

March 11, 2016 · 3 min · 428 words · Alastair Crabtree

How to do a code review without it being awkward and painful

March 7, 2016 · 4 min · 675 words · Alastair Crabtree

February  3

Sites worth reading for .net developers | Feb 2016

February 29, 2016 · 2 min · 320 words · Alastair Crabtree

Tips for running a code Kata

February 14, 2016 · 3 min · 467 words · Alastair Crabtree

What type of test is that?

February 2, 2016 · 2 min · 410 words · Alastair Crabtree

January  1

QuickTip: Comparing strings in c# ignoring case? ToLower() is not the answer.

January 11, 2016 · 1 min · 99 words · Alastair Crabtree

2015  2

December  1

Encrypting configuration files in asp.net during deployment

December 14, 2015 · 2 min · 383 words · Alastair Crabtree

November  1

Continuous Integration - am I doing it right?

November 23, 2015 · 3 min · 462 words · Alastair Crabtree