Some stuff I have read in the last couple of weeks that I think are worth checking out, mostly new but some old stuff too. All worth subscribing to.
The command line tooling shipped with git for windows is pretty useful, even if you are not using git itself. I often find myself dropping into the bash shell for ls, touch, less, and grep and Matt Wrock gives another useful tip. SSH on Windows |
Setting up a decent angular/typescript project in studio is not trivial yet, this starter gives you what you need. Angular 2 in ASP.NET Core 1.0 using Visual Studio Code and TypeScript |
Troy hunt reveals some pretty embarrassing security lapses in the Nissan Leaf. Controlling vehicle features of Nissan LEAFs across the globe via vulnerable APIs |
The only thing surprising about this announcement from Microsoft is that it took this long! Microsoft acquiring Xamarin |
Some useful real world experience getting started with Xamarin, particularly if you are targeting iOS. Getting started with Xamarin on windows |
Need to convince someone senior that agile practises are worth trying? This is the podcast for you. The Economics, Psychology and Science of Agile with Matthew Renze | DotNetRocks
Service location is an anti-pattern that comes up frequently in code reviews I see, here K. Scott Allen shows the path towards success if you are moving into ASP.NET Core. Also K. Scott also does a good selection of Pluralsight courses if you have a subscription. Avoiding the Service Locator Pattern in ASP.NET Core |
I wish every .net project I opened was organised like this. And that I had read it when it was written. Folder structure for .net projects |
If you only subscribe to one .net blog to keep yourself up to date, this is probably the one - an excellent daily curated list of news links.