LazyCache: The easy way to add caching to your .net app & make it fast

tl;dr If you need to speed up your c# application you probably need to add caching, and the easiest way to do that is use the source library I wrote called LazyCache. Do I need to cache? Lots of apps don’t need caching because web servers and databases are fast. However many apps get to a point where performance becomes an issue, and adding caching is one easy way to get a significant performance boost....

May 23, 2016 · 7 min · 1282 words · Alastair Crabtree

400 (Bad Request) when pushing a package to Octopus Deploy using nuget push

Stumbled on a little gotcha today when using nuget packages as deployment artifacts to be send to Octopus Deploy and thought it worth documenting so i don’t forget next time. The quick answer is that you cannot push the same package and version to the built in octopus deploy package repository - if you try you get 400 (Bad Request). Our build process goes a little like this: Install the Octopack nuget package in each deployable project in the solution Compile the solution using Teamcity and msbuild, specifying the octopack build property to output packages msbuild MySolution....

May 4, 2016 · 2 min · 242 words · Alastair Crabtree